Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dance of the Seasons in 24 hours

This film was created by me and the other Beiman comandos: Brittney Lee, Jed Mitchel, Joe Daniels, Bill Robinson and Nathaniel Hubbell as well as our friend R.J. Pena. The film is part of a 24 hour animation challenge directed by Joe and Jed. What was actually done in the 24 hour time frame included the story concept, concept art, story boarding, character designs, color layouts and 95% of all animation. Compositing, digital inking of animation and a few last minute shots were done outside of the 24 hour time frame. This is the first time that Joe and Jed tried a traditional 2d animation for this 24 hour challenge. They have already directed two other 24 hour films done in 3d that can be seen on their websites. This is a great experience to be apart of. It challenges us to work efficiently and quickly, all the while feeding off of each other's creative energy. I'm really happy with the results. Let me know what you think.

So here is Dance of the Seasons

If you click on Bill's link you can see behind the scenes photos.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Whoa! SLow down there partner

The trimester has come to an end and so has the preproduction stage of my thesis. I am glad I took Nancy Beiman's Storyboard and layout class. Normally I would've have breezed through preproduction because I was eager to animate. But if there is one thing I recomend to all of you animators out there...slooooooow down. Jumping right into the animation does you no good if you don't have the story and action nailed down. If the story is a bomb, then no audience will put the effort to watch it no matter how well your character moves. The preproduction I put into this thesis will actually make my life a bagillion times easier when it comes time to animate.
You can see my story reel here.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Chloe in 3d!

Welp, the character is all rigged up in Maya. So here is Chloe in 3d. She was designed by Brittney Lee and modeled by my friend and roomate Josh Piejko. I did this pose test as well as several facial expressions along the way. After a few tweakings I will call her done and move on to rigging Mrs. Featherbottom the bird.

Face Tests

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


This is the layout for my thesis animation. It's the story of a girl named Chloe who has an unexpected pet fly through her window--chaos ensues

Monday, October 17, 2005

Dancing Squirrels

First post. Gestural sketches of dancing squirrels. This was done for an animation that my classmates and I made in 24 straight hours.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Here We Go

Well, Let's give this a shot. I'm new to the blog thing so be gentle. More to come.