It's been a while since my last post but as you can see I've been very busy. At the end of Sept. Brittney and I started our journey across the United States to start the next chapter of our life in SanFrancisco, CA!! Here is a the story (pictures included) of our trip.

On our way!!! We stopped briefly in Columbus, OH for some ice cream that we couldn't finish - but what a delicious start to a trip.
Our first overnight stop was to see friends of Brittney and her family in Ninevah, IN. It was a very beautiful lakeside cottage although the cot I slept on was a little small.

Isn't that a beautiful arch??

Unfortunately our second night, Brittney decided to get really sick. It was a sleepless night for both of us due to coughing, barking dogs, and uncomfortable crappy motel beds.

We then went on to travel through Oklahoma - perhaps the most boring state in the world. Nothing to report there.
???, TX
I nearly ran out gas in Texas. We were in the middle of nowhere without a gas station to be found. We finally just went down a long, endless dirt road until we found a little gas station with one of those pumps that you pull down the lever to reset the dials. It was great. I wish I had a picture.


Stopping for a bite to eat at the Red Rock museum.

Proof that she
DOES eat!!

Then we went up to the Four Corner Monument - the only place in the US where 4 states share a border. It was out in the middle of the desert where no radio stations picked up on my dial.

Brittney look! I'm in four states at the same time!!!


We stayed the night at Brittney's cousin's 2nd house for the night and then were on the road again.

We made it to Brittney's cousin's primary house. Jan and Chuck put us up for the night. Two very wonderful and kind people. I was glad we got to see familiar faces along the way.

We decided it would be a good idea to try to hike a mountain that day.....in 106*F weather.

Feeling rather bored of the hike we decided to make it extreme and turn it into rock climing without harnests. Look how high up we are. "How ya doin' over there Brittney??"

Amazing! Holding on with only one hand!
We swung over to San Diego to get an idea of what Souther Cali was like. That night we would going over to Brittney's other cousin's house. Brandon and Janine. Brandon is Chuck's son.

We had some time to check out the beach.

What a great little surfing town. Beautiful. We traveled a bit more north and stopped early for the night.
Now entering EMERYVILLE!!!!!

WE MADE IT!!! OUR NEW HOME!!!! Got there and unpacked and are still unpacking slowly. But when its all cleaned up we will be taking pictures and blogging them. We'll also be ready to house friends who are stopping by.